New Interview and Feature on Assimil


I normally only post here twice a week, but I was so excited about something and I just had to write up an extra post this week.

Earlier today, an interview that I did with Assimil was published on their site!

I completed the interview in both English and French, so you can read whichever version you prefer. It was a lot of fun expressing my answers to each question in both languages.

It’s the first time that anyone has really ever referred to me as a polyglot – I always just think of myself as multilingual. I’d be curious to know your thoughts on the differences/similarities between the two and how you think of yourself if you speak more than one language. Please let me know in the comments! I eagerly look forward to discussing it with you.

As you know from my previous language updates, I am an avid fan of the Assimil with Ease series and we enjoy playing their new games at home! I’m going to be sharing a new post soon that I’m pretty excited about, and you’ll see that in the next week or so. I also recently picked up a few of their phrasebooks and I plan on working through them in the very near future.

See Also
Clear the List: A Goal Setting Link Up for Language Learners | Hosted by Lindsay Does Languages and Eurolinguiste

For those of you unfamiliar with Assimil, they are a French publishing company that is coming up on 90 years since they began their With Ease series. Their products have evolved quite a bit over the years and you cannot walk into the language section of a bookstore in France without seeing a wide selection of their books. One of my favorite things about their offerings is that they provide language learners with quite a few dialect-specific resources (Quebecois, different dialects of Arabic, Australian English, etc.) and hard-to-find language resources like Breton, Occitan, and now even Sanskrit!

I also want to let you know that this is not a sponsored post. The thoughts and opinions I’ve shared about Assimil are my own and I have chosen (now and in the past) to share my opinions about their products because I truly believe in them and have found them to be an incredibly effective study tool. I have used both the French and English versions of their books for several years now and they are one of the first resources I purchase whenever I start to learn a new language.

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Tips for Language Learning | Eurolinguiste

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