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9 Things to Do In Seminyak, Bali

9 Things to Do In Seminyak, Bali

My trip to Seminyak was my first time in Bali and it was a relaxing trip. The villas are gorgeous, the beach is a site to see, and the local food is delicious.

If you find yourself in Seminyak, Bali, here are a few of the things that you can do.

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

1. Hang out on the beach.

In Seminyak, the water is just a short walk away from most of the hotels and villas. Watching the sun set across the water is a great way to end the day.

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

2. Lounge in the beanbag chairs at one of the restaurants along the water.

A number of restaurants and bars line the beach, so whether you go to enjoy a local meal or a Bintang it’s hard not to lose hours lounging in one of the comfortable bean bags set out on the beach (if you can find one or two that are empty!)

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

3. Get great deals at the local shops.

In Seminyak, there is everything from souvenir shops to upper scale clothing and art stores. Even if you’re just window shopping, spending time in some of the shopping areas like Jalan Laksmana may offer you the chance to pick up some affordable wear. 

Balinese Cooking Class at the Amala in Bali, Indonesia | Eurolinguiste

4. Visit a local market.

There’s nothing like the full-on sensory experience of visiting a local fish market in Bali. The smells, chatter and choices can be overwhelming, but it’s certainly a world of its own.

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

5. Relax at a villa.

After the hustle and bustle of a long day visiting the shops, sitting out in the sun and heat on the beach, or shopping, there’s nothing like returning to your villa to relax, perhaps spend some time at the pool, or just enjoy the quiet. We stayed at the Villa Blubambu and highly recommend it.

Balinese Cooking Class at the Amala in Bali, Indonesia | Eurolinguiste

6. Take a Cooking Class.

Learn to make local food by taking a cooking class while in Bali. We attended one at the Amala villa and had a wonderful time cooking, making friends, and devouring the result of our work.

Scuba Diving with Manta Manta Diving in Bali, Indonesia | Eurolinguiste

7. Go scuba diving.

The water is warm and the diversity of sea life is impressive. There are lots of local dive masters who offer affordable diving options and even certification. We went with Manta Manta Diving and had an incredible time.

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

8. Admire some of the local temples.

In Bali, it seemed as though almost every house was also a temple. And as we drove around the area, there were quite a festivals that took place. The architecture is elaborate and is definitely a site to see.

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

9. Enjoy the restaurants.

The food in Bali is tasty. Whether nasi goreng or pig roast, there something for every preference. Don’t miss out on experiencing local food by visiting Western-style restaurants.

Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste
Things to Do In & Around Seminyak, Bali | Eurolinguiste

What about you?

Have you been to Bali or Seminyak? I’d love to hear about what you enjoyed doing in the comments below.

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