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September Goals // Yearly Check-In // Weekly Wishes

September Goals // Yearly Check-In // Weekly Wishes

This month, in addition to sharing my monthly goals, I’d also like to check in on my yearly goals (much like Melyssa).

So, without further ado:

Last Month’s Goals

  1. Stop reading a gazillion things at the same time. Reduced my “currently reading” list from 11 books to 7. There are two that I’m really close to finishing so it’ll get down to five which I think is pretty good.
  2. Have an epic 10 year anniversary over at Teen Jazz. It’s in progress! We’ve partnered with a ton of lovely sponsors and I’m really excited about it.
  3. Spend some time developing Teen Jazz Radio and find new artists to feature. Yeah, this one didn’t really happen.
  4. More minimizing. I didn’t work on this as much as I would have liked, but I have some plans for today since I’m not working to get a bit of last minute minimizing in. 
  5. Finish up the summer reading challenge. This was a success! I finished a few days early so I was able to focus on getting through some more of the books I’ve been reading.
  6. Start working on my new projects for Teen Jazz and Eurolinguiste. Nope.
  7. Spending hold. Sort of.

This Months’ Goals

  1. Really work on projects for Teen Jazz and Eurolinguiste. No avoiding it this time.
  2. Go on an adventure for my birthday! M says he has something I’ll really like planned.
  3. Start working on side project.Sorry for the vagueness but I have a side project  that I’ve been working on for almost a year. I haven’t felt incredibly inspired to do it the past few months, so I’ve been avoiding it but I really do want to complete it. I’m hoping to have a good chunk of it done by the end of the year so that I can share it with you in 2015. Fingers crossed.
  4. More minimizing. This goal is probably going to be here for the entire year!
  5. Find someone to practice Mandarin with and then actually practice with them.

This Year’s Goals

My goals for the year were to write 50 songs and read 20 music business or language related books.

1. 50 Songs // So far I’ve written 30 of my 50 songs even though they are in various stages of completion. One of my goals for 2015 will probably be to finish and release a few of them. 30/50

See Also
Clear the List: A Goal Setting Link Up for Language Learners | Hosted by Lindsay Does Languages and Eurolinguiste

2. 20 Books // I’ve read a few shorter books, so I’m actually aiming for 25 total now. So far I’ve read 18/25.

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