Language Learning Resources

Many of you have been asking about the resources that I use to study languages. I recently wrote a post where I share the top language learning resources I use most often, but I wanted to dive deep and document my language learning journey. These are the resources that have worked for me and that have contributed to my success as a language learner.

🚨 Important note!

The resources that I use may not work for everyone! We all have different learning styles. While I may have found one resource particularly effective, it may not work for you. I’ve tried to recommend a wide range of resources to cover most learning styles and most skills required to be successful in a foreign language, but this list still includes the things that I personally use. I wouldn’t be able to make a very convincing recommendation otherwise!

Some of the resources on this list are relatively expensive. I try to make use of what free resources there are out there, but sometimes it makes sense to invest a little bit into your language learning. Pimsleur is one of these resources, but I spend a lot of time in the car and they have become a fantastic way for me to make use of my commute. Plus, they really work for me.

I also like to invest my time into resources that I know will benefit my language learning progress. Rather than split my time up amongst a wide collection of free resources, I like to fully delve into longer, well put together resources. Sometimes this means they cost a bit more, sometimes it doesn’t.

A lot of the resources on this list have free versions that you can test out before upgrading to the paid versions. That way you can test them and discover if they’re a good fit for your learning style.

Below you’ll find the language learning resources that I currently use and love. I try to keep it updated as my preferences change and as I discover new resources.

The Basics

The Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp (Affiliate Link) // The last few years, I’ve done Bootcamp for every new language I’ve studied. I’ve also participated in several for my other languages. It’s a 90-day program that helps you get to a 15-minute conversation in your new language as a part of a community. And if you complete the assignments and mini-challenges, it works. Plus, I’m the Head Coach of Bootcamp, so you’ll get to work with me!

Notion (Affiliate Link) // I could not do anything without Notion. It’s my notetaking tool, my home base for all things related to my languages, my habit tracker, and so much more. It’s an incredibly versatile tool and it’s made a huge impact on my language learning.

Todoist (Affiliate Link) // Todoist is my to-do app and it’s been an irreplaceable way for me to keep track of the language learning tasks (and homework given to me by tutors).

Notebook // I honestly feel that taking notes by hand helps me to retain the information I’m learning so I always keep a notebook with me.

Highlighters (Amazon Link) // I color code my notes so that I can see where I learned different bits of information and so I know what I plan on doing with it once it’s written down.

Pens (Amazon Link) // You can’t take handwritten notes without pens! I like these pens from Bic because they write smoothly and I don’t smear them. Has anyone else ever noticed that the kind of pen you uses affects the quality of your penmanship?

A way to record yourself or your lessons (your phone will do) (Amazon Link) // If you’re already investing money into lessons, it makes sense to get the most out of them. I like to record my lessons so I can reference them later if I have questions.

A teacher or language exchange partner // I put off speaking for far too long and now I regret it. Don’t do what I did! Get speaking and comprehension practice in ASAP.

A good phrasebook (Amazon Link) // I love the Lonely Planet Phrasebook series. I also really like the Assimil (Amazon Link) phrasebooks because they are geared more toward conversation, but there aren’t as many available in English as there are in French.

A Reliable Text Resource

Assimil (Amazon Link) // I love the way that Assimil combines text and audio. It is definitely my go-to textbook.


Drops (Affiliate Link) // Have fun with your vocabulary, learning with beautiful illustrations. Learn thousands of new words in just five minutes a day with this free app.

LingQ (Affiliate Link) // LingQ has an import feature so that you can add vocabulary and study it, independent of it’s reading/audio study features.

Something to Keep You Busy on the Go

Mobile apps can give you a quick and interactive way to get some grammar or vocabulary review in when you’re on the go.

For the quick, always on hand application study, I use Duolingo and the aforementioned Drops.

Electronic & Photography Tools

I would not be able to share the things I use without some of these great resources. They also help me document my adventures!

Macbook Pro (Amazon Link) I’ve used my Macbook since university and it’s still going! I love my laptop and it really works for me.pCloud Online Storage (Affiliate Link) I’ve got to store all my photos and language learning resources somewhere, right? pCloud helps me keep everything organized and keep me sane knowing all the important stuff is backed up.
Kindle (Amazon Link) I read A LOT. My Kindle goes with me everywhere so that I can get in some reading whenever I can.iPhone (Amazon Link) My iPhone is one of my most used language learning tools. Between my translator apps, language learning apps, and chat apps, my phone definitely keeps me occupied with language learning.
GoPro (Amazon Link) Skype
WordPress Eurolinguiste is a self-hosted WordPress blog.

Resources By Language

Learning a new language?

Check out my language-specific learning resources. On each of these pages, you’ll find a list of all of the resources I use and trust for every individual language I’ve studied.

I’m an Introvert and this is my Story

I am an introvert (and shy), and I’ve found that a lot of the language learning advice that’s out there seems to be geared more towards extroverts. 

That’s why I’ve teamed up with the team over at Fluent in 3 Months to put together a guide to help language learners gain the confidence they need to gain confidence and achieve their goals. 

In the book, I share my personal story, the techniques that I use to learn languages as an introvert and so much more.

Interested in travel?

Me too! Try one of these posts to check out some of my adventures and get travel tips.

Travel Gear

With all the time I spend on the road between personal and work travel, I have worked my through quite a bit of travel gear. Here are some of the items I’ve really enjoyed.

Travel Pillow (Amazon Link) It took me a long time to get on board with travel pillows, but when LCI Brands sent me this pillow, I slept soundly on a flight for the first time ever. I’m never traveling without it again.Belle Hop Cosmetic Organizer  I am crazy about this cosmetics organizer. It took me forever to find a bag that I liked and now I wish I had ten of them.
Laptop Backpack  I like to take a compact backpack with lots of convenient pockets and organizers. Pockets are my jam and this one has tons of them.

Recipes, History & Other Cultural Tidbits

Culture is about more than just learning a language and traveling to a place. History, food, and numerous other things play into what we call “culture”. Here are just a few posts to get you started.

Or, if you are interested in learning about me, Shannon Kennedy, you can find that here.

My Free Language Learning Resource Library

Before you really delve into your own language learning journey, I’d love to share some of the tips and resources that have worked for me along the way. That’s why I offer my email subscribers access to my free language learning resource library (and there’s quite a bit of awesome stuff available to you there)!

Plus, you’ll be one of the first to hear about any webinars, promotions, and such by signing up!

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Thank you so much for being here!

I look forward to getting to know you – I’d love to hear your stories. I read all the comments here on the blog as well as those left for me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, plus if you contact me, your email goes right to my personal inbox (and I do my best to respond to emails).

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. Either way, the products you see here are only recommended because I use them personally and believe that they will add value to my readers.