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My Mandarin Music Mixtape

My Mandarin Music Mixtape

I think that listening to music in another language can be a great way to learn. Singing along helps you pick up new vocabulary, expressions, cultural tidbits, and is a great way to improve your pronunciation. I’ve started a Mandarin Music Mixtape on Youtube, but I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you here.

1. I Want it That Way by Gerald Ko

I love this Mandarin rendition of the Backstreet Boys’ “I Want It That Way”

2. Love! by Hebe Tien

I discovered this song watching the movie Love.

3. 我只想在乎我在乎的 by Ann

4. Slow Half Beat by Dawen

This song is ridiculously catchy.

See Also
100+ Conversational Korean Words & Phrases

5. 一刀不剪 by Aaron Yan

6. Paris by Khalil Fong

Let me know if you have any suggestions of songs that I can add to my playlist! You can see some of the other music that I have on my Mandarin Music Mixtape here.

Tips for Language Learning | Eurolinguiste

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