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French Onomatopoetic Expressions

French Onomatopoetic Expressions

Just for fun I thought I would share a list of French onomatopoetic sayings with their English translations. The word for onomatopoeia in French is onomatopée.

French Onomatopoetic Expressions

Aïe, Ouïlle – ouch

Atchoum – achoo

Ben… – Uhm…

Beurk, Berk – yuck

Bom bom, Poum poum – thump thump (heart beating)

Bof – uh huh (kind of like “not really” or “yeah right”)

Chut – shh

Gloups – gulp

Hihihi, héhéhé – haha

Miam miam – yum yum or nom nom

Mouah – muah!

Ouaaah – yawn

Ouf – phew

Ouin! Ouin! – wah, wah!

See Also
Clear the List: A Goal Setting Link Up for Language Learners | Hosted by Lindsay Does Languages and Eurolinguiste

Plouf – splash

Ron pchi – zzzzz (snoring)

Youpi – yippee

And in case you ever decide to design a Batman cartoon:

Bing, bang, boum, bam, vlan

Do you think I missed any important French onomatopoetic expressions? If you do, feel free to share more in the comments! I look forward to hearing from you.

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