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December Goals // Weekly Wishes

December Goals // Weekly Wishes

Hey all, I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend! As I mentioned in last month’s post I spent the past month working on NaNoWriMo. It’s now thirty days and 50,197 words later and I’m ready for December!

My December Goals // Weekly Wishes

Last Month’s Goals

  1. Win NANOWRIMO. Won!
  2. Get a ton of recording done for the new album. It depends on how we might define “a ton.” We did record quite a bit but ended up cutting one of the tracks we spent the most time on.
  3. Spending hold and renewed energy towards minimalism. Yeah, nope.

This Months’ Goals

  1. Take a break. I feel like I could use a bit of time off to relax this month. It is my busiest gig month so I am going to try to relax a bit more when I am home. After a photoshoot, another martial arts belt test, my first Mandarin lessons, recording, gigs, nanowrimo and all I am kind of burnt out.
  2. Catch up on some of my reading. In October I bought quite a few books to prepare for Nanowrimo but I didn’t manage to make it through them all. I’d like to catch up on some of my reading this month.
  3. Spending hold and renewed energy towards minimalism. Since I didn’t really do this one last month… Now that my Christmas shopping is mostly done this should be a bit easier to accomplish this month.
  4. Continue to work on Mandarin.
  5. Get to at least 3K steps per day. The number of steps I take (depending on the day) is anywhere from 2K – 20K. I’d like to raise the minimum from 2K to 3K so that next month I can aim for 4-5K consistently.

What about you? What are some of your goals for the month?

© 2020 Shannon Kennedy & Eurolinguiste. All Rights Reserved.

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