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August Goals // Weekly Wishes

August Goals // Weekly Wishes

Last Month’s Goals

  1. Get ahead with Teen Jazz Radio. I am so happy with how far ahead I am with Teen Jazz. I’m two weeks ahead and so that will give me a nice break to concentrate on other things.
  2. Write a language update. Ta da!
  3. Enjoy this month’s Local Adventure. We went up to Little Tokyo with my parents. It was fun to walk around, enjoy the food, and listen in as different things brought back memories from when my Dad lived in Japan. I got to hear a few new stories and I just love that.
  4. Continue to minimize. Yup! I tried a technique for emptying out my closet where I turn all the hangers so that they face out. When I wear an item, I put it back in the closet with the hanger facing in. I started this a couple months ago and there were a few things in my closet that were still facing the wrong way. I pulled them out and if it was because they weren’t in season, I put them back in my closet. The rest found a new home.
  5. Finish three more books on my summer reading list. I read exactly three this month.
  6. Participate in Lovely Letters again this month. I did! I was a little late getting out my package, but I sent it out and I’m hoping I did better than last month. I ended up with the same partner as the first month, so I was glad I got a “second chance.”

This Months’ Goals

  1. Stop reading a gazillion things at the same time. I currently have 11 books on my “currently reading” shelf over at Goodreads and it’s overwhelming trying to keep track of it all. This month I want to get most of them off my shelf (in other words finished) and I will now only permit myself to read 1 book for pleasure at 1 book for research simultaneously (foreign language texts don’t count).
  2. Have an epic 10 year anniversary over at Teen Jazz.
  3. Spend some time developing Teen Jazz Radio and find new artists to feature.
  4. More minimizing. I finished getting rid of some things I wasn’t using and replaced them with things I really wanted. It was a great feeling, so I want to do more of this. For the first time ever, I have space in my closet!
  5. Finish up the summer reading challenge (this one is obviously going to have to come before #1).
  6. Start working on my new projects for Teen Jazz and Eurolinguiste (I’ve been procrastinating).
  7. Spending hold. This month I’m going to really focus on saving money.

This post is part of The Nectar Collective’s Weekly Wishes linkup.

© 2020 Shannon Kennedy & Eurolinguiste. All Rights Reserved.

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