12 Days of Christmas Around the World

My name is Shannon Kennedy and I'm the language lover,…
Hey everyone! Happy holidays!
Today I’m really excited to share a new series of articles that I am going to start posting over the next 12 days. I’ve partnered with several incredible language bloggers, travel bloggers and companies to bring you 12 Days of Christmas Around the World.
But it won’t all be about just Christmas. This series is going to cover how the holidays are celebrated in twelve different countries across the globe.
Keep an eye on this page, I’ll be updating it with each of the 12 posts with a little blurb about the author, a summary of the post and links, of course.
What Each of the 12 Days of Christmas Posts Include
Each post will include a history of how the holidays are celebrated in one specific country, how they are celebrated today, vocabulary (+ a free PDF download including these words), and a recipe that is made this time of year (+ a free PDF download of this as well), as well as a few other fun facts about the holidays specific to these countries!
Day 1 | Christmas in Poland
This day’s post is Christmas in Poland with Cristóbal del Castillo Camus. In this post you’ll find out about why shoes are cleaned the night before Christmas, how to make pierogi ruskie, and 25 Polish words related to the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 2 | Christmas in China
This day’s post is all about Christmas in China with Hanbridge Mandarin. In this post, you’ll find out about why apples are given and eaten around the holidays, how to make candied apples, and 25 Chinese words related to the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 3 | Christmas in Croatia
This post is all about how Christmas is celebrated in Croatia, written by yours truly, Shannon Kennedy. In this article, you’ll find out what happens if children misbehave and make the naughty list in Croatia, how to make walnut bread, and 25 Croatian words related to the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 4 | Hanukkah in Israel
This post is all about how Hanukkah is celebrated in Israel, written by Ofer Tirosh over at Tomedes. In this article, you’ll learn about the history of Hanukkah, how to make latkes and several Hebrew vocabulary words to help you celebrate the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 5 | Christmas in Russia
This post discusses how Christmas is celebrated in Russia, both in the past and present. It was written by iTalki tutor, Helga Drogan. In this post you’ll learn about Russian Christmas traditions, how to make kholodet’ and Russian vocabulary words related to the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 6 | Christmas in Mexico
In this post, Siskia Lagomarsino shares how Christmas is celebrated in Mexico. Learn about some of the Christmas plays put on during the holiday season, how to make bacalao a la mexicana and Spanish vocabulary related to the season. Read it here >>
Day 7 | Christmas in Germany
In this post, Kerstin Hammes Cable illustrates just how Germany celebrates the holiday season. Learn about German Christmas traditions, how to make Zamtwaffeln, and German vocabulary related to Christmas. Read it here >>
Day 8 | Christmas in England
Lindsay Dow shares how Christmas is celebrated in England. Learn about popular films to watch when the holiday season arrives, how to make mincemeat pies, and English vocabulary to help you celebrate the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 9 | Christmas in Italy
Chiara Grandola discusses Christmas in Italy in this post. Learn about how Christmas is celebrated in Italy, how to make calzoncelli, and Italian vocabulary all about the holidays. Read it here >>
Day 10 | Christmas in France
In this post, I share some fun facts about Christmas in France. Learn about why France has two Santas, how to make tiramisu bûche de noël, and some French vocabulary. Read it here >>
Day 11 | Christmas in Korea with Esther Julee
Esther Julee of Local Adventurer helped me assemble this post about Christmas in Korea. Learn about how Christmas is celebrated in Korea, how to make Korean Christmas cake and a few Christmas words and phrases in Korean. Read it here >>
Day 12 | Christmas in the Philippines
In this post, Ron Gullekson shares how Christmas is celebrated in the Philippines. Learn about some of the dishes you’ll find on the table come Christmastime, how to make Filipino Chicken Macaroni Salad and a few new words in Tagalog. Read it here >>
My name is Shannon Kennedy and I'm the language lover, traveler, and foodie behind Eurolinguiste. I'm also the Head Coach of the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp, co-founder of Women in Language, and former Resident Polyglot at Drops.