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The Barcelona Cathedral | Things to do in Barcelona, Spain

The Barcelona Cathedral | Things to do in Barcelona, Spain

While going on our self-guided walking tour in Barcelona, we accidentally (and happily) stumbled across Catedral de la Santa Cruz y Santa Eulalia, Cathedral of the Holy Cross and Saint Eulalia. Built between the 13th and 15th centuries, the Cathedral is dedicated to Eulalia of Barcelona, co-patron saint of Barcelona.

Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste

A photo posted by Shannon Kennedy (@eurolinguiste) on Apr 22, 2015 at 3:20pm PDT

Interesting Facts About the Cathedral

There is a cloister where 13 white geese are contained. The number is said to represent the age of Saint Eulalia when she was martyred.

A gothic facade was added to the Cathedral in 19th century.

Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste

The roof of the building is renowned for its various gargoyles.

Its organ was built in the 1530s. It was restored in the 1980s and is now used for a variety of concerts.

Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste

It has an archives that is open to researchers.

As a part of the celebration of Corpus Christi, there is a ceremony of the dancing egg that dates back to 1636.

Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste
Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain | Eurolinguiste

Visiting Hours
Weekdays: 8.00-12.45 (Cloister: 8.30-12.30):
Free entry

Saturdays: 8.00-12.45 (Cloister: 8.30-12.30):
Free entry

Sundays: 8.00-12.45 (Cloister: 8.30-12.30):
Free entry

Pla de la Seu s/n 08002 Barcelona
(0034) 933.428.262

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