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October Goals // Weekly Wishes

October Goals // Weekly Wishes

I cannot believe that it is already October! I feel that each year goes by faster than the previous.

So, without further ado my Weekly Wishes:

Last Month’s Goals

  1. Really work on projects for Teen Jazz and Eurolinguiste. Well, even though I said I wasn’t going to avoid it this month, I managed to do just that. Not intentionally, of course. My other projects just took far more time than I thought they would.
  2. Go on an adventure for my birthday! We went to Malibu and the Getty Museum. It was perfect! The ocean was the most beautiful blue, we had great food and spent a wonderful day together.
  3. Start working on side project. I have been seriously working on this the past month and I hope to continue to work at it. I’m really happy with the progress. This was one of the two things that prevented me from completing #1 on the list (the other was that M and I started recording a new album so most of my spare time has been spent in the studio).
  4. More minimizing. For the first time since I started, I did not do as much as I would have liked. I did get rid of a few things, but I think I added even more (I bought quite a few books last month).
  5. Find someone to practice Mandarin with and then actually practice with them. Nope. I did continue to study independently but I did not practice with anyone else.

This Months’ Goals

  1. Do research for NANOWRIMO. I did NANOWRIMO for the first time last year and I really enjoyed it so I would like to do it again this year.
  2. Write several articles for Teen Jazz and Eurolinguiste so I don’t have to worry about it next month. Most of my writing energy will be dedicated to NANOWRIMO so I hope to schedule several posts in advance for the next month so that I can focus on my writing.
  3. Posture! I’ve been pretty tired lately and my posture has suffered in result. I want to be more aware of my posture this next month and focus on strengthening the muscles in my back so that I don’t have any issues later down the road.

That’s it! It’s fewer than I usually plan for a month but the first two will take quite a bit of time so I don’t think I can add anything else to my plate at this point.

See Also
Clear the List: A Goal Setting Link Up for Language Learners | Hosted by Lindsay Does Languages and Eurolinguiste

What about you? What are some of your goals for the month?

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