Language Learning Reading Challenge 2024

Language Learning Reading Challenge

It’s once again that time and the votes are in! The Language Learning Reading Challenge community submitted their requests for this year’s challenge and here are the themes for the 2024 Language Reading Challenge.

What is the Language Learning Reading Challenge?

The Language Learning Reading Challenge is essentially a book club for language learners. It’s been around since 2017 and it’s open to learners of all languages.

Here’s how it works:

  • Every month will have a theme and you can select any book you like that fits the theme to read as a part of the Language Learning Reading Challenge.
  • We’ll have a collection of recommended reading material and discussions going (you can view part of the recommended list below).
  • You’ll get to hang out and chat with a cool community on either Facebook or Goodreads (or both!).
  • And more to come!

Each month in the LLRC, we’ll tackle one book covering a topic related to language and share our experiences as a group. Please feel free to join us. You can participate by commenting on the posts here at Eurolinguiste or by joining the group on Facebook (we have a Goodreads community, too).

As part of the challenge, we will be reading books that cover everything from culture, language learning, general learning techniques, history, and more. Plus, we’ll be reading both in our native languages and target languages.

If you’re at a more advanced level in your target language, feel free to read any or all of the books (not just the ones indicated as target language only) in the language that you’re learning.

If you’re still just getting started, that’s okay, too! You can read along in your native language, discovering more about the cultures and histories tied to the language(s) that you’re learning, opting for lower-level or graded readers for books in your target language.

Please note that you don’t have to pick just one language for this challenge. If you’re learning multiple languages, feel free to mix and match. The challenge is pretty flexible. I’ve planned it this way so you can get the most learning possible out of it over this next year.

The 2024 Language Learning Reading Challenge Prompts

Jan: Read a book related to the history of the language you’re learning or of a country where your language is spoken

Feb: Read a book inspired by a true story (in your target language)

Mar: A book written by a language blogger (like Benny’s books, Olly’s books, Kerstin’s book, Lindsay’s book, or even shameless plug: my book)

Apr: Read a book in a genre you wouldn’t normally read (for example, I love fantasy but don’t read romance generally, so I could read a romance novel in my target language)

May: Read a book about learning (it can be a book about language learning or about learning in general)

Jun: Read a book by an author from a country that you haven’t read any of their authors before

Jul: Read something written by a female author from a country that speaks your language (it can be written in the language or a translation)

Aug: Read a self-development book in your target language

Sep: Read a book written by a language blogger (like Benny’s books, Olly’s books, Kerstin’s book, Lindsay’s book, or even shameless plug: my book)

See Also
100+ Conversational Phrases in Croatian

Oct: Read a graded reader in your target language

Nov: Read a fiction book in your target language (it can be a book at any level — a short children’s book, a book written for teens, or a book written for adults)

Dec: Read a book that was published this calendar year

A Few Notes Regarding the Language Reading Challenge:

The challenge doesn’t have to focus on one language, if you are studying multiple languages (or have an interest in languages you’re not studying), feel free to go for books in or about those languages.

You are absolutely welcome to read books of any level. Graded readers, children’s books, academic books, or any other genre are acceptable for the challenges that require you to read in your target language(s). And for topics that indicate you read a children’s book, you can also explore YA (young adult).

You do not need to participate every month to be a part of this challenge. You can choose the months that align with your interests.

If you do not complete the book you take up in any one month of the challenge, that’s okay! You can still join in the conversation and share some of what you’ve learned from the sections of the book you were able to get through.

Recommendations from Past Participants

Here is the current list of book recommendations to come out of Women in Language 2020. These will also be shared on Goodreads.

Language Reading Challenge Rules:

  1. Share your post discussing the book that you’ve read this month. Submissions unrelated to the theme or links to your homepage will be deleted. You can share in the comments or use the link below to join us on Facebook or Goodreads.
  2. OPTIONAL: Join us on Facebook or Goodreads.
Language Learning Reading Challenge

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