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24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World

24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World

Every language has its own share of proverbs. Knowing a few in your language can give the impression that you’re well-versed in the culture that speaks it. 

In my studies, I’ve had the pleasure of coming across a wide range of proverbs in different languages. Whether they’re the chengyu in Chinese, idiomatic expressions, some other adage, it’s clear that many of our values are shared across the globe.

“Even though you know a thousand things, ask the man who knows one.” | “Bin bilsen de bir bilene danış.”
– Turkish proverb

“The pillow is a good advisor.” | “A noite é boa conselheira.”
– Portuguese proverb

Words should be weighed, not counted. - Yiddish proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
All beginnings are hard. - German proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Fall down seven times, stand up eight. - Japanese proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Practice makes perfect. - Egyptian proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste

“We learn as long as we live.” | “Sarron, aq mëson – Sa të rrosh, do të mësosh.”
– Albanian proverb

“Drop by drop, a lake becomes.” | “Капка по капка – вир става.”
Bulgarian proverb

“A problem shared is a problem halved.” | “Gemeene plaag rust wel.”
– Dutch proverb

Exception strengthens the rule. - Hungarian proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
When reading, don't let a single word escape your attention. One word may be worth a thousand pieces of gold. - Chinese proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Be swift to hear, slow to speak. - Russian proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Well begun is half done. - Italian proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
He who walks a lot and reads a lot, sees a lot and knows a lot. - Spanish proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Better to ask the way than go astray. - Korean proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Patience is the mother of success. - Vietnamese proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
When one doesn't have the things that one loves, one must love the things that one has. - French proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
A person who itches, scratches. - Swahili proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Every man is the smith of his own fortune. - Persian proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
A bad workman blames his tools - Hindi proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
Nothing can be achieved without effort, suffering or hardship. - Croatian proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste
He who travels has stories to tell. - Irish proverb | 24+ Inspirational Proverbs from Around the World on Eurolinguiste

“No cliff is so tall it cannot be climbed.” | “A’ohe pu’u ki’eki’e ke ho’a’o ‘ia e pi’i.”
– Hawaiin proverb

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“Wait too long and the opportunity is sure to vanish.” | “Okazja na nikogo nie czeka.”
Polish proverb

What about you?

Have you come across any inspiring proverbs or expressions in your language studies? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

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