Shannon Kennedy

My name is Shannon Kennedy and I'm the language lover, traveler, and foodie behind Eurolinguiste. I'm also the Head Coach of the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp, co-founder of Women in Language, and former Resident Polyglot at Drops.

407 Articles Published | Follow:
How to Pick Up a Language After a Long Break
How to Pick Up a Language After a Long Break

It is confession time, my dear friends, and my confession to you is that I…

Discover Where to Eat in Barcelona | A Review of Onofre + Spanish Food Vocab

Tucked away on a little side street in the heart of the vibrant, picturesque Barrio…

Why Conversing In Your Target Language Does More For You Than Any Textbook Ever Will

A few months back I reviewed one of my new favorite language learning mobile applications,…

An Honest and Thorough Review of Assimil

A short time ago, I wrote a post summarizing the eight language learning resources that…

How to learn a writing system different from your own

First, I wanted to say that this post was inspired by Justin G who wrote…

Okonomiyaki (Japanese Pancakes) No Pork Recipe | Eurolinguiste

This past month one of the recipes in my Try the World box was for…

How Studying Music Made Me a Better Language Learner

As I’ve mentioned a few times in the past, I am a professional musician. Primarily,…

Why You Should Choose to Study a Language that You Love

We all learn languages for a variety of reasons. Sometimes we choose to learn a…

An Honest and Thorough Review of Pimsleur

A short time ago, I wrote a post summarizing the eight language learning resources that…

Language Tag Video

Lindsay Dow over at Lindsay Does Languages recently tagged me to participate in the Language…