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Antica Sacrestia | Where to Eat in Venice, Italy

Antica Sacrestia | Where to Eat in Venice, Italy

When I was in Venice, Italy, I quickly learned a very important lesson.

If we wanted to know where the good local restaurants were, we needed to ask the receptionist at our hotel. Her first recommendation to us was excellent and on our last night in the city, we knew she’d have an equally excellent suggestion for us.

This lead us to Ristorante Antica Sacrestia.

Antica Sacrestia in Venice, Italy | Eurolinguiste

We followed her directions down back alleys, constantly thinking we were lost, before we stumbled upon the gate that led us into the restaurant.

After the endless stone walls and the imposing gate, we were a little nervous, but upon peering in, we were greeted by an adorable courtyard with outdoor seating. We knew we had found the right place.

We entered and were brought to a small room that made me think of something that might belong in a medieval castle. They brought us an aperitif on the house (an Aperol Spritz), grissini (Italian breadsticks), and a pair of menus. 

Antica Sacrestia in Venice, Italy | Eurolinguiste
Antica Sacrestia in Venice, Italy | Eurolinguiste

There were tons of delicious items on the menu, so it was rather difficult to choose, but M and I finally both settled for individual pizzas. And after devouring my entire mushroom pizza, I had no regrets. Not a one.

Antica Sacrestia in Venice, Italy | Eurolinguiste
Antica Sacrestia in Venice, Italy | Eurolinguiste

If you ever make it out to Venice, Italy, I absolutely recommend this restaurant. The ambiance is fantastic, the food is excellent and the drinks are definitely a bonus. 

Antica Sacrestia in Venice, Italy | Eurolinguiste

Ristorante Antica Sacrestia
Sestiere di Castello,  4463  
30122 Venezia


What about you? 

Have you ever been to Venice or Italy? If you have what are some of the restaurants you enjoyed while you were there?

I’d love to hear about them in the comments!

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