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Chinese Vinegar Peanuts | 老醋花生 Laocu Huasheng

Chinese Vinegar Peanuts | 老醋花生 Laocu Huasheng

While I was in China, I ate as much as I possibly could. There are so many delicious dishes that if I wasn’t sitting down for a meal, I was picking up a snack from a street vendor hoping that I’d walk it all off by the end of the trip. 🙂

One of the dishes that I discovered while in Beijing was 老醋花生 lǎo cù huāshēng, or peanuts soaked in vinegar. I wasn’t particularly hungry on the day this dish was brought out to our table, but my friend insisted that I try them, so I did. And then I ate almost the entire plate. They were that delicious.

Upon returning to the US, I tried to find restaurants that served 老醋花生, but didn’t have much luck so that same friend suggested that I just make them myself at home. I laughed and rolled my eyes at myself, the answer had been so obvious!

So without any further ado, I present to you one of my favorite snacks from my trip to Beijing!

Chinese Vinegar Peanut Recipe | Lao Cu Hua Sheng | Eurolinguiste
[yumprint-recipe id=’17’]

What about you? Have you discovered any awesome dishes while on your travels? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.

© 2020 Shannon Kennedy & Eurolinguiste. All Rights Reserved.

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