30+ Blogging Vocabulary Terms in French

My name is Shannon Kennedy and I'm the language lover,…
When learning another language, one of the most important things that you can do is learn vocabulary you’ll actually use.
Forget all of the textbook word lists that encourage you to learn how to talk about currencies no longer used, cassette tapes and Walkmans, or terms for sports you have no interest in. Instead, create your own lists.
Decide what your passions are and *you* need to know in your target language to successfully have a conversation.
For me, one of the big parts of what I do and how I identify is as a blogger. I’ve hosted Eurolinguiste for a few years now, and so whenever I introduce myself it goes a little something like this:
Someone else: “So what do you do for a living?”
Me: “I’m a musician, but I’m also a blogger. I run a site where I share my love of languages and techniques for becoming a more effective learner.”
It makes sense that I’d want to learn how to do this in the other languages I speak, too!
Blogging Vocabulary in French
I know I’m not alone as a French-speaking blogger so I spent some time curating this list of blogging terms and vocabulary in French. Knowing these words has helped me immensely in sharing more about myself and what I do with my French-speaking friends and family, so I wanted to share the words I’ve found useful with you.
There aren’t a whole lot of word lists out there related to blogging, and since a lot of us share our experiences studying languages through our sites and vlogs, I thought you might enjoy this post.
Without further ado, here are some useful words and phrases to describe your blogging habit in French.
Key Vocabulary About Blogging in French
le blog // blog
un blogueur / une blogueuse // blogger
le lecteur // the reader
publier // to publish
promouvoir // to promote
Collaborating with Other Bloggers
la communauté // community
les articles invités // guest posts
le collaborateur // collaborator
le critère // the criteria
l’éditoriale // editorial
la blogosphère // the blogosphere
le nombre de mots // word count
Things You Write About
des blog de voyage // travel blogs
un road trip // a road trip
des bons plans voyage // travel plans
des recettes // recipes
des endroits où on a mangé // the places where one ate
un blog culinaire // a food blog
spécialisation // specialization
d’actualité // current news
des nouveautés // news, innovations
des découvertes insolites // unusual discoveries
écrire à propos des langages // to write about languages
une globe-trotteuse/un globe-trotteur // globe trotter
quelques conseils // some advice
Marketing & Social Media
les propositions // proposals
le trafic // web traffic
les commentaires // comments
du buzz // some buzz
les réseaux sociaux // social media
partager // to share
aimer // to like
sur Facebook // on Facebook
Other Blog Related Vocabulary in French
la plateforme ouverte // open platform
vidéoblog // vlog
un montage vidéo // a video montage
Negative Feedback
des trolls // trolls
des spam // spam
That’s it for this post. What about you?
What are your interests and passions? What word lists would you like to see and in which languages?
I look forward to hearing from you in the comments!
My name is Shannon Kennedy and I'm the language lover, traveler, and foodie behind Eurolinguiste. I'm also the Head Coach of the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp, co-founder of Women in Language, and former Resident Polyglot at Drops.