About Eurolinguiste

Hello and welcome to Eurolinguiste. My name is Shannon Kennedy. I’m the language lover, explorer, foodie, bookworm, time management junkie, and forever student behind Eurolinguiste. I’m here to help you become a successful independent language learner.

About Eurolinguiste

Growing up, my father always expressed the importance of paying it forward — taking my hard-earned lessons and sharing them with those who come after me to help make the path a little easier for them. He believed that our experiences and knowledge are not just for our own benefit but can serve as a guiding light for others navigating similar challenges.

This philosophy has deeply influenced my approach to language learning and inspired me to create Eurolinguiste.

I wanted to build a platform where I could share the strategies, tips, and insights that have helped me master multiple languages, especially while juggling a busy life.

Eurolinguiste is my way of giving back to the language learning community, helping you avoid the pitfalls and frustrations I encountered, and offering you a clearer, more efficient path to fluency. By sharing my journey and the lessons I’ve learned along the way, I hope to empower you to reach your language learning goals with greater ease and confidence.

About Shannon Kennedy

I’m from Southern California and a native English speaker. My language learning journey started with French in school but blossomed into what it is today while I was preparing to move to Europe and earn my Master’s degree in Music several years later.

I currently work full-time in marketing, so Eurolinguiste is a passion project for me. I also contribute over at Fluent in 3 Months as the Head Coach of Bootcamp and co-host of the Language Hacking Podcast.

In the past, I was the Language Expert at Drops, a fun language learning app and I also ran an online language event called Women in Language along with Lindsay Dow and Kerstin Cable.

I’ve learned nearly twenty languages and I have just over a dozen that I rotate through to keep active to various degrees.

Head Coach & Community Manager at FLUENT IN 3 MONTHS


Resident Polyglot & Language Expert at DROPS
Co-Founder at THE LANGUAGE LEAGUE (formerly Language Study Club)

FAVORITES: Coffee, adventuring, learning new languages, creating and discovering new music, martial arts, crossing places off my travel wishlist, reading, and cooking.

ACTIVE LANGUAGES: English, French, Mandarin Chinese, Croatian, Russian, Japanese, Hungarian, Scottish Gaelic.

LANGUAGES STUDIED: French, English, Mandarin Chinese, Croatian, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Hungarian, German, Hindi, Hebrew, Persian, Portuguese, Scottish Gaelic, Norwegian, Breton, and Russian.

Here’s a record of my language projects.

Eurolinguiste’s Origin Story

I started writing this blog while trekking through West France and Northern Ireland as I finished up my Master’s degree in Music/Ethnomusicology from Queen’s University, Belfast. It was during this time that I discovered my passion for languages and began documenting my personal methodologies and progress, as well as tips for tackling a new language for fellow language learners.

It’s also where I like to share my adventures, some of my favorite recipes, and the little bits I learn about the cultures and histories behind the languages that I’m learning.

When I’m not studying language, I am a musician and a composer. I love to compose and perform. And I adore the fact my career often provides me with the opportunity to travel. Shameless plug: I have a few CDs out with my music. I also love to take photos, practice martial arts, experiment with classic recipes, and scuba dive.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my site! I’m glad you’re here. I hope you join me in the comments, and if you do, I look forward to getting to know you!

PS. If you haven’t had enough of me, I also have another website you might be interested in checking out.

Shannon-Kennedy.com // My website as an artist, composer, and singer/songwriter. For all the latest updates on my music, releases, and performances.

PPS. If you’d like to follow me along on my adventures, let’s be friends on Facebook, X, and Instagram! I also run a food Instagram where I share recipes I’ve made and food from around the world.

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About Women in Language

In March 2018, Lindsay Williams, Kerstin Cable and I hosted the very first-ever Women in Language event. An online conference to champion, celebrate, and amplify the voices of women in languages. The event far exceeded our expectations and was an incredible experience. Since we’ve also hosted WIL Camp and hosted our second Women in Language event in March 2019. The third WIL event happened in 2020 and our fourth conference was held March 2021. You can learn more about Women in Language here.

Press for Women in Language

Eurolinguiste Publications, Interviews, Features & More

Watch me learn Polish with two other polyglots:

I joined Olly Richards and Lindie Botes at the Polyglot Conference to learn Polish with Teach Yourself’s Michel Thomas Method:

External Publications:

Kahoot – 2021

Drops – 2021

Drops – 2020

Drops 2019 & Prior

Fluent in 3 Months

Other Places

Interviews on my language learning process:


  • 2024 – New Year, New Language – Time Management Mastery for Language Learning
  • 2022 – New Year, New Language – Pursuing Passion-Driven Language Learning
  • 2022 – Women in Language (Co-Organizer)
  • 2021 – Women in Language (Co-Organizer)
  • 2020 – Women in Language (Co-Organizer)
  • 2019 – Women in Language (Co-Organizer)
  • 2018 – WIL Camp – Shy to Super Fly: How to Build Your Confidence So You Can Speak to Anyone
  • 2018 – Montréal LangFest – An Introduction to the Croatian Language & Culture
  • 2018 – Women in Language (Co-Organizer)
  • 2018 – Language Learning Summit – Less is More: Simplifying Your Language Learning for Better Results
  • 2017 – Montréal LangFest – Using What You Know: How to Apply Your Outside Skills to Language Learning
  • 2017 – LinguaHackers International Online Polyglot Conference – Alternative Time & Energy Management Strategies for Language Learners